And, I am just going to use something that Zusak used very often in The Book Thief--the power of making NOTES!!!
I have always wanted to do a end of the book, over-all reflection post...
So here it comes...
Literatur, is a every important thing in life.
The person who recommended The Book Thief to me said that she couldn't help but cried at the end. I didn't pay much attention to that, I don't usually cry when I read a book. But when I was reading it in my room without locking the door, as I was flipping through the pages, the words melted in front of my eyes. The world became a blur and I shut the book as soon as physically possible.
When I recommended this book to my parents, I used a inadequate but well-fitted, at least in my opinion, description:
"If German Lesson is Schindler's List, then The Book Thief is Life is Beautiful."
Have you ever heard a story from Death?
Calm, fact-based, but humorous, even has a little bit of warmth.
I must admit that Zusak gave me a very different impression of Death.
In the time when everyone was living in fear, Death was not very happy about all the souls that he was collecting.
"They say that war is death's best friend...To me, war is like the new boss who expects the impossible. He stands over your shoulder repeating one thing, incessantly:'Get it done, get it done.' So you work harder. You get the job done. The boss, however, does not thank you. He asks for more" (309).
Death has to fulfill his job, without rest, in that terrifying time "carried the souls in my fingers, like suitcases. Or I'd throw them over my shoulder".
He would also complain, "Forget the scythe, Goddamn it, I needed a broom or mop. And I need a vacation...They beg me to take them with me, not realizing I'm too busy as it is...I complain internally as I go about my work, and some years, the souls and bodies don't add up; they multiply." (307-308).
He used his calm, humorous, humane, warm and reasonable voice, tell the story of the book thief; the story of the little girl that he met three times; a story of a girl and her family, partner, and friends, a story between a small town and a country.
A story of the whole world and a person who tried to control the world; a story of life and death.