"Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society...Literacy is a platform for demostration, and a vehicle for the promotion of cultural and national identity...Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential." ---Kofi Annan

25 November, 2007

Wicked Lovely post 2B

In the portion that I've read from the book, many themes and ideas were pointed out.
The relationship between mother and son, the difficulty of being different, even the attraction between two genders were all, whether slightly or constantly, mentioned thus far.

A family. The image that people usually get from this word is happy, harmony, caring, etc. However, there were many cases, in real life, that family relationships turned out not that beautiful.
When kids are young and innocent, they don't really--let's put it this way--have a mind. They are, however, capable of seperating what they like and dislike. Even that, they still don't really have their opinion on things, so when their parents tell them to do something, they would listen and follow the command.
As the children are growing up, they make more contact with the outside world and ideas, eventually, begin to have their own beliefs and opinions. Parents aren't very use to that, and they would use the same way that they treat their children before to treat them now. SOme of the parents can get accostom to the situation and the change very well and soon while some can't. So when the children start to 'strive' for their rights and beliefs, some parents just simply couldn't stand it. However, no matter how things get, there is always some kind of connections and bonds between the parents and the children, and this type of connection is strong enough, although can get weak sometimes, to face everything.
But besides that, as in Wicked Lovely, there are family relationships that are just...abnormal.
Keenen, the Summer King, has a very arrogant mother, the Winter Queen, with a lust for power. She basically treat Keenen as a tool, using him to find maids and even seek to find the 'perfect bride' for him, as a way to control him of course. And, in my opinion, this is absolutely cruel and unbelievable.
...Life is weird.

23 November, 2007

Wicked Lovely post 2A

This is not fun...

1. If someone feigns a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true. (FORMAL)
Mundane: (adj.)
1. Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual.

Figurative Language:
1. "tsk": Onomatopoeia because tsk is a word that describes a sound.
2."nature abhors a vaccum": personification because nature doesn't 'abhor', the author used personification to give nature human qualities.
3. "blah": Onomatopoeia because blah is describing how it sounds.

"'One day I'll have the full strength of the King of Summer, just like father did. Your reign will end. No more growing cold. Nomore unchecked power.' He lowered his voice, hoping to hide the trembling. 'Then we'll see who's truly stronger.'"
This quote shows the conflict between Keenen and his mother, the Winter Queen. And let the readers understand the underlying situation.

I think the theme of these few chapters is that everyone has their own stroies.

19 November, 2007

Wicked Lovely poat 1B

Being different is hard.
In everyone's life, I believe, there were at least a time when you just felt awkward because you were different. In Wicked Lovely, Aislinn can see faeries, which others can't except her family. And it is believed that if the faeries know that they can see them, horrible things would happen.
Think about the times when you see a major flaw somewhere in a group project, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it because you are afraid to be blamed.
That is what I called human nature. Afraid to be blamed, can do everything to avoid punishments, some, like Joe in All My Sons, would be even willing to let his best friend take blame for him.
Being different, unique, special, or however you want to phrase it, is difficult.
When one is treated in a different manner than most, one usually gets attention whether if one is willing or not. Especially those who are introverted, life can be surprisingly challenging to get through.
Imagine this, when others are pointing at you, talking about you, regardless if it is good or bad, wouldn't you feel weird?
Furthermore, I would start questioning myself and wonder what I have done to lead myself in to the role of the topic of people's discussions. So, next time, before you open your mouth and give a comment, think again, try to reduce the harm to the least possible.

17 November, 2007

Wicked Lovery Post 1A

Slither: (v.)
1. If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way.
2. If an animal such as a snake slithers, it moves along in a curving way.
Fey: (adj.)
1. If you describe someone as fey, you mean that they behave in a shy, childish, or unpredictable way, you are often suggesting that this is unnatural or insincere. (LITERARY)

Figurative Language:
1. "Tap": Onomatopoeia, because the word represent the sound that the author was describing.
2. "...his hair shimmered like stands of copper that would slice her skin..." : Simile, because the author used like to compare his hair and stands of copper.
3. "...shadows that danced under icy trees..." : personification, because shadows are lifeless and the author used ‘danced’ to give it human characteristics.

"She wanted to speak, to tell the faeries to leave so she didn't have to, but she couldn't. Ever. If she did, they'd know her secret: they'd know she could see them" (6).
This is a very significant quote because it basically explained what the story is about: a girl who can see faeries while everyone else can't, and it is dangerous for the faeries to know that one can see them.

I think that the them of this book so far is that it is often easier to tell people what is bothering you rather than keeping everything to yourself. The theme is applied when Seth was trying to let Aislinn to tell what's worrying her so she can feel better.

14 November, 2007


Oh yeah, I found a book!!!
Welcome to the beautiful world of Wicked Lovely!!
It's fantasy....Not the type I'd usually read...
And of course, the first few pages did not make any sense...
There is a reason why I like realistic fiction or nonfiction!!
They actually make sense!!
But, but, but...
The author has a very unique and neat writing style!!
And faeries are awesome!!
Sorry, I do possess a very weird obsession toward mythical creatures.
...Happy reading time!!!

11 November, 2007


I was very very very to the infinite power happy about finishing my first quarter blog postings and hoped that I would never have to do that ever again...
Unfortunately, life often does not go my way.
Oh yeah, huh-uh, as a part of second quarter outside reading project...dun-dun-dun, here comes the wonderful blog postings!!
I really loathe this....
Life is amazing...right?