"Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society...Literacy is a platform for demostration, and a vehicle for the promotion of cultural and national identity...Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential." ---Kofi Annan

02 October, 2007

Glass Castle post 4

I am too tired to summerize everything descriptively, hence I am going to babble on with my minimal thoughts and reaction to The Glass Castle.

WARNING: this post may not be very understandable or worth reading, effect on mental health varies. (I'm trying to be coherent! Ms. Tholen, I am trying!!!)

So Jeannette's family was in the desert, and her srtistic mother saw this Joshua tree. The Joshua tree "stood in a crease of land where the desert ended and the mountain began, forming a wind tunnel. From the time the Joshua tree was a tiny sapling, it had been so beaten down by the whipping wind that, rather than trying to grow skyward, it had grown in the direction that the wind pushed it."(35) and wanted to paint it down.
"I wanted to dig it [Joshua tree] up and replant it near our house. I told Mon that I would protect it from the wind and the water it every day so that it could grow nice and tall and straight. Mom frowned at me. 'You'd be destroying what makes it special,' she said. 'It's the Joshua tree's struggle that gives it its beauty.'"(38)
People's struggles shape them into who they are. Struggles change the way people think, the way they reacts, the way they view life, etc. In which, forms the characteristics of the 'identity' of a individual. Everyone is sepecial in a certain way, unique in all aspects. When such uniqueness, or the struggle, is taken away, then everyone would be the same, all people will lost their 'beauty', in a way.
"I thought the Joshua tree was ugly. It looked scraggly and freakish, permanently stuck in its twisted, tortured position, and it made me think of how some adults tell you not to make weird faces because your features could freeze."(35)
Not until when thay realize and understand the way their struggles shaped them, people won't appreciate the memory of obstacles and difficulties they have went through in the past. That's humanity, right? Unless undestand the advantage of something can bring to them, they wouldn't be grateful of it.


Alex B. said...

Gloria! Don't worry, your blog postings are great! They are very coherent to me! I actually picked up a copy of this book today because of reading you blog! But that also means that I probably won't read your blog until I am done so I don't spoil the book for myself! Keep blogging!

Kristi C. said...

You are doing a good job on your blog.